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Picasso in the Cube

The political passions of the father of Cubism in an interactive Cube.

The project

An exhibtion in the Castello Ursino – Catania about the passions of Picasso.

Loop worked on the political passions, animating 3 famous artworks (including Guernica) in an immersive videoprojection. People could select the artwork from a touch screen and the projection shows an animated version of the painting, with some text to explain them, and an involving sound design.

Listen to the battle of the Guernica, and see one of most famous painting in the history of art becoming alive.


When: 04/04/2015 – 28/06/2015
Where: Castello Ursino – Catania
What: Interactive Installation

What we made

Concept, project design, multi projection, interaction design, programming, 3d animation, audio and video.